(thanks for the name idea Mandy)
this was my second competition |
I'm 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant with twins. I'll post more about that later. This is more about Crossfit.
I had been going pretty hard at my crossfit box for the last year before I got pregnant. It was fun. I've always been athletic and into sports. I started crossfit when my daughter was about 1.5 years old. Basically when she didn't need me to nurse her that much. I had read about crossfit before when I was learning about the Paleo diet. It seemed like something I would be interested in. I always liked lifting, I lifted in high school.
Anyway, so after the first year or so I decided I wanted to try a competition. I fell in love with doing them. Then I decided to start working out more than my current 3 times a week. I also met people who wanted to do more than the house WOD.... we would do more. We started following various programming that would last more than the hour I usually spent at the gym. My kids were older then, and I didn't nurse them anymore and my husband wanted me to go to crossfit to get out of the house. He was saying how much happier I seemed after working out. And it's true, I enjoyed it, I had made a ton of friends and it
was nice to get out for an hour or two.
There was a few downfalls to it though. I think, for me, 4-5 times a week of training like that wasn't exactly good for my body. I could tell that it was wearing me out. I had started to see a couple of people because I got a high thyroid test. It's so easy looking back - I think I was working out too hard. I think it was wearing me out.
It's so easy after the fact to see all this stuff. Like last summer I did more crossfit, and didn't have the energy to do the things I had the previous summer. I picked, canned and froze a bunch a fruit. Before, I was into sewing. I felt that I became obsessed with crossfit. It's not like its a bad thing. It was fun. I really enjoyed it. But now being pregnant and having to take a break from doing crossfit (my body is just not able to lift right now) I can see how that crossfit obsession kind of took over. It's really nice to have the perspective. I know once my babies come I won't be able to work out like that and I'm kinda glad. I think I'm excited for more of a balance. I just don't think training two hours a day, for me, in my life, is "balance". I'm glad I know that now. It's nice to have some out of box perspective. It will be interesting to see how this year has changed things.