Saturday, September 1, 2007

Have only what you need.

I am using a laptop on the floor of the living room and I am watching Pickle sniff curiously at my computer. He will never be able to use a computer or understand what it is. He has everything he needs. He's completely satisfied with food, water, a home, and love.
How come we as people have to have everything. We need a computer, a good cup of coffee every morning, nice clothes, cars, and decorations for our houses. We have come to the point where all we can think about is what we want to have, instead of what we need to have. We become so concerned and dependent on these material things. Do these things really matter? Or can we survive with out them?
Could we live like Pickle?


Dr.Weirdo, PhD* said...

I agree with Pickle on this one, are we contended with our possessions.
The enemy is within the gates, it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend with. I think the only solution is trying to live a simple life and keeping oneself occupied for most of the time with activities that would take our mind of the less important qualities of life.

Cassie said...

But can we keep our minds focused on to avoid the 'less important qualities of life'?

I have only one answer for that.

Cassie said...

whoops, I mean

What can we keep our minds focused on to avoid the 'less important qualities of life'?

I only have one answer for that.