Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions...

I raced out of bed thinking that today was a Holy Day of Obligation, since it's the feast of Mary Mother of God.   It usually is, but when it falls on Saturday or Monday, it's not.  So I started out my New Year at Mass this morning, which is good.  That's one of my 'resolutions' is to pray more and be more aware so I can teach my son about Mary, Jesus and more about the bible and our beautiful Catholic Faith.

Another resolution is to be more organized and try not to be so last minute.  More about less stress.  Part of that includes saying 'no' to people so we don't become too busy.  I think we have a problem of doing too much.  The too much is how the last minute racing around or business happens.  It also hurts my prayer life because I have no quiet time.

Next is that I want to be more responsible budgeting, with Ben of course.  Between December and moving we got out of the swing of things. 

I don't have a lot of goals... mostly just want to have a less busy month than December.   The holiday season always does that.  I just want to enjoy the Christmas season now... not the other busy-ness.

God Bless all of you and your New Year!

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