Monday, January 2, 2012


I thought New Years resolutions were dumb until I read this post today from Mark's Daily Apple.  It says people who make resolutions are more successful at reaching goals, actually 10 times more.  So, I will write them down again.  And this makes a good place to go back and see.
Here we go, 2012!

  • Better budgeting.  This was a goal last year, too.  But this year I want to do it every month instead of off and on.  We really want to do better at keeping track of spending and do a good job on saving (we really want to go to Hawaii before Taryn is two).
  •  Improve my health.  I did amazing last year, after I had Taryn, at sticking to a really healthy paleo diet.   I'm figuring out more now what works for my body.  I've noticed that I have issues with dairy.  I noticed that having gluten gives me a terrible sinus headache.  Too much chocolate makes me have eye and muscle twitches.  I want to try and have more bone broth, eat less chocolate (some is ok) and keep avoiding foods that hurt me.  I'd also like to get back to pre-pregnancy weight (and maybe lower), that is less important than being healthy, but something I'd like to do.
  • Teach Luke The Angelus prayer.  This prayer is traditionally said at noon.  So I was thinking about setting an alarm on my phone to remind us to do it everyday. 
  •   Do some more exercise.  FUN exercise.

That's about it.  Happy New Year!  (and Merry Christmas, too, all the way till the Baptism of the Lord)


Janice said...

Happy New Year! Good luck on your goals! That's great that you've been able to follow the paleo diet! I'm still intrigued by it!

Always good to try to keep on top of finances... :-)

And yes, FUN exercise! What kind of exercise is fun to you? I like dancing, yoga and walking. :-)

My intention for this year is balance, easy and joy... :-)

Anonymous said...

Have you heard of or tried Dave Ramsey's method at all? Steve and I jumped on board a year ago and have been able to create and stick to our budget and pay off TONS, I mean TONS of debt. We were able to become debt free except for our mortgage which we're working on accelerating. I HIGHLY recommend him! You can listen to him weekdays on 1190 KEX from 7-10pm for free so you don't even have to spend a dime on his books to learn his principles.

Cassie said...

Janice, thanks, happy new year to you! Paleo has been pretty easy I stick to but I'm reading more about gut healing too (which I'm sure you know way more about!) Have you heard of GAPS? Anyway, I'm more intrigued by that. :) for exercise I try and walk with the kids or run around. I like short fast things like tabatas (you can google that) and when I'm not lazy maybe some sprints out side. I would like to do yoga again... I used to before kids.

I actually have read his stuff. That's how I formed our budget baselines. We normally do fairly well sticking to a budget and aren't in any debt except the mortgage. I just like to record exactly what we spend just to make sure and well we eat a lot and we buy a lot of expensive (well worth it) food so grocery is always our go over the budget category. I read, too, about his principles, we made it through a few steps but one would be a little impossible right now- the save at least 15% for retirement. But we aren't doing so bad... But we have one income and two children so ya haha. But we could do better. Thanks for the reminder. Anyway, thanks for the info, Dave is pretty great!