Monday, May 16, 2011

40 Weeks!

LOL, it makes me laugh to write 40 weeks at the top.  Just like when I was at the store today and the girl in the check out asked when my baby was due.  I said 'oh, today actually'.  It was even better with Luke, people would ask and I would say, oh I was due a week ago... and so on until day 10.

Anyway, hopefully this will be my last pregnancy pic.  Enjoy!

And, tonight I had my last pregnancy pedicure with Usa.

I asked Luke what color I should get before going and he said Blue.  So blue it was.  It's hard to see but it's actually glittery blue.

Welp, it could be any day now....


Unknown said...

FORTY weeks!!????

ANY moment! lol

all the best swetie.

Lisa C said...

Lol, I'm totally expecting you to have a 41 weeks pic, now. But hopefully not. :)

Cassie said...

Thanks, Mon

Yeah, if I make it till the end of the week I really want to make it until after Luke's birthday (Monday the 23rd) so we can make his bday special... though we still will and his grandma already promised.

Janice said...

Cassie: Wishing you the best during your delivery and birth!